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Meet The First Lady



I am truly honored to be the First Lady at Calvary Southern Baptist Church. Under the leadership of Pastor Jaffus Haley, Jr., Calvary became my home church in 1997. 


I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior as a young child. At age 12, I rededicated my life to Jesus during Vacation Bible School at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, where I lived with my family. 


Although I was baptized as a child at Penick Methodist Chapel in Indianapolis, Indiana by my grandfather, Pastor Jaffus insisted I have a “full immersion” baptism and not just a “sprinkling” of water on my head. So, in 1998 he baptized me by immersion. 


My undergraduate degrees are from Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee, where I double majored in Business Management and Psychology,  Additionally, I have a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership from NOVA Southeastern University.


In 2017, I retired from Clark County School District with over 30 years of service in Education, but I still occasionally substitute as a school administrator. I’m a volunteer at Summerlin Hospital in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and I serve as the Secretary of the Auxiliary Committee at the hospital. 


At Calvary, I am a member of the Women’s Sunday School and Bible Study classes, as well as the Technology and Beautification Committees. I have worked in the Nursery, chaired the Refreshments Committee during Vacation Bible School (VBS), taught a VBS children’s class, and participated in Discipleship Training. 


As the First Lady, I am committed to supporting my husband in his duties as Pastor and to the members of Calvary. God bless you!

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